Missouri Western sophomore accounting major Paul Granberry will be representing the University and the St. Joseph community at the National Prayer Breakfast and Student Weekend in February.
The National Prayer Breakfast is an annual gathering in Washington, D.C. that draws 3,500 people from all over the world. During this event, the President of the United States, representatives from more than 120 nations, leaders from all areas of the United States government and individuals from various walks of life come together. A group of students who attend the National Student Leadership Forum are invited to attend the National Prayer Breakfast as part of the student contingent for this event.
After the breakfast, students attend a weekend retreat to build deeper relationships with one another, engage in deeper discussions of the leadership principles taught by Jesus and further process through their experience at the breakfast by exploring what it looks like to live reconciled lives.
Granberry says it is an honor and a privilege to represent the community at this event. His goal for the weekend experience is to “pass the knowledge [he] earned to help change the St. Joseph community by speaking with and studying the actions of world leaders, while discussing critical issues with college students around the world about problems we face in our society.”
Congratulations on this opportunity, Paul!