“Lindy Lou, Juror Number 2” will be shown at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 12 in Spratt Hall Kemper Recital Hall, 101. A discussion with Lindy Lou will follow at 8 p.m. This event is hosted by the Legal Studies Association of Missouri Western, Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty and Working Films.
Lindy Lou, a woman from rural Mississippi, always thought she could easily give the death penalty. Then she sat on a jury that handed down a death sentence to a man convicted in a double homicide. Twenty years later, in the new documentary film “Lindy Lou, Juror Number 2,” Lindy travels through Mississippi and interviews 11 jurors alongside whom she sentenced a man to death.
Lindy Lou, the star of this documentary, will come to St. Joseph to attend the screening and make a brief presentation afterwards.
This film challenges the sense that many Missourians have – that the death penalty is an abstract, distant concept unlikely to personally affect us.
“Every citizen in Missouri faces the possibility of participating on a capital jury, and it is a part of civic education to understand the full ramifications of this process. Every death sentence has a lasting human cost and impacts every individual in its proximity, including jurors. Like Lindy, many of us as citizens may be called to fulfill our jury duty. We each have another duty beyond this one – a duty to consider the realities of handing down a death sentence both for ourselves and for our communities.” – Staci Pratt, Executive Director of Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, one of the organizations coordinating this screening tour.