Is your student looking for a part-time job? Encourage them to attend the 5th Annual Part-time Job Fair from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 19 in the Fulkerson Center. This event is open to all currently enrolled Missouri Western students. We have invited all on-campus employers as well as external employers to participate. This will be a Griff Card event for students.
A few recommended tips and suggestions for students who choose to attend:
Dress casual but avoid athletic shorts and tank-tops and tshirts. Preferred attire is khaki flat/front and appropriate length shorts or lightweight pants or jeans, short-sleeved collared shirt or lightweight button-up if possible. They will be face-to-face with potential employers; first impressions do count!
Bring their current resume. They can upload their resume into their Griffons4Hire profile; our team of career mentors will review it and provide any feedback/suggestions. We want your student to have a professional resume! They should be sure to get contact information to follow up about the job.
A firm handshake, direct eye contact and audible verbal communication are important. Speak up and don’t mumble.