Payment Due Date: Students are expected to have fall 2019 classes paid in full by Aug. 20, 2019 or fall 2019 classes are subject to an administrative drop.
What do we mean by paid in full?
- Payment in full by check, debit card or cash in the Business Office, Eder 104
- Payment in full online through your student’s Goldlink account with online check, debit card or credit card
- Payment in full by financial aid sufficient to pay the full cost of attendance for the semester at the time of enrollment. Accepted financial aid means the student’s FAFSA file is complete, the student has been offered financial aid and has accepted the financial aid offered
- Payment in full by enrolling in a tuition payment plan with required monthly installment payments during the semester. A payment plan is required if financial aid will not pay in full, your student does not know how much financial aid they will receive, or their account will not be paid in full by Aug. 20, 2019. See the Business Office webpage for details.
Failure to pay your student’s account in full by the due date will result in a late payment plan fee of $100 assessed to their account, in addition to the administrative drop of classes.