When your student becomes a part of the Griffon family, you do too! Here at Missouri Western, we understand the important role that family plays in student success. We want to keep you informed and your student involved. A student who gets involved with campus activities is generally more successful, and thus more likely to graduate, than a student who chooses not to be involved. We ask you to help keep your student on the path to success by encouraging them to become involved during their time at our University.
One way that we keep you informed is through this bimonthly family newsletter. Every other month throughout the year, you will receive this newsletter filled with information about campus events, important news items and resources that are available to your student around campus. Each edition goes straight to your inbox; however, if you would like to sign up with a new email address, have an additional family member who would like to sign up, or just want to look at the articles without accessing your email, you can visit our family newsletter webpage, here. If you have any questions or comments concerning the family newsletter, please contact Aubry Carpenter, public relations and marketing assistant, at acarpenter6@missouriwestern.edu.
For more frequent information on the news and happenings around campus during the school year, you may read Griffon Weekly – our weekly e-newsletter that goes out to students’ emails each Wednesday of the semester. The first issue of fall semester will go out Aug. 21.
Again, welcome to the Griffon family! We hope your student enjoys their time at Missouri Western as much as we enjoy having them here!