Greetings Griffon Parents, my name is Megan Raney and I’m the new Career Development Director here at Missouri Western. I have a background in Communication and Leadership and have a passion for making students as employable as possible. Whether I’m presenting to a classroom or attending a Chamber of Commerce event, the students’ success is at the forefront of my mind. One of the top things I hear from students when it comes to my office is “I don’t need that yet.” I hope to change that mentality, and encourage everyone to understand career readiness starts early and is an ongoing process. The freshman who meets with me will have more opportunities available than the graduating senior. I help students with their application materials, provide job search strategies, coach on how to network and perform mock interviews.
Additionally, our office puts on at least two-to-three career-related events a semester. Encourage your students to attend our upcoming career fair, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Friday, March 20 in Fulkerson Center. This event is for all class levels and all majors, employers will be talking about full-time, part-time, and internship opportunities. Students are encouraged to attend, being dressed to impress, with copies of their resumes ready to hand to employers.
For those needing a little extra help, the school of business is offering a Mock Interview Resume Review event the night before – 5:30 p.m. Thursday, March 19, Spratt 214-16. The semester is going by fast, and looking ahead can seem daunting, but together I’m confident all our Griffons will get hired.