While it is normal for a college student to experience some stress, the current global pandemic has increased stress levels for everyone. Here are some tips for your student (or you) to de-stress during these uncertain times.
Unplug and Be in the Moment
Many of us have time to kill right now. With cancelled gatherings and stay-at-home orders, we’re looking for ways to fill the time that otherwise would have been packed. Sometimes, we turn to social media and the news. It is important to remain in the know during this time; however, it is also important to unplug for a while and just be in the moment. Spend some time with your family, play a board game you haven’t touched in years, read a book, continue with the hobby you haven’t had a chance to work on in a while. Just disconnect from the outside world and focus on you for a while.
Stick to a Routine
Like many others, your routine has been completely forgotten about while working within our new normal. This doesn’t mean all is lost, though. Find a new routine that works for you. Include exercise and healthy foods in that routine. You’ll need to make sure you’re still getting plenty of rest, as it’s pretty easy to ruin a good sleep schedule when you’re not bound to the timing of classes and work schedules.
Connect with Others
Just because we’re supposed to stay at home and socially distance ourselves from others doesn’t mean we have to entirely disconnect. Text your friends and check in on them. Have a brunch-themed video chat with a few friends you haven’t been able to go out with in a while. Call grandparents and ask if they’ll tell you stories from their lives. There are many ways to still stay in touch while remaining safe.
Be Kind to Yourself
As many people have said already, you’re not working from home during a pandemic, you’re at home during a pandemic trying to work. Not every day is going to be a productive one. There will be days when you just want to relax and not be productive – that’s fine. There will be times when you find yourself upset and questioning why things had to happen this way – that’s fine, too. Be kind to yourself during these times. We’ll all get through this together.