I’m confused as to what taking “credit” means. They said it doesn’t change their GPA, but how does it impact a transcript?
A grade of “credit” counts in the student’s Earned Hours and applies to degree requirements, however, does not impact the GPA. It appears on the transcript next to the course name as a CR (instead of, for instance, a letter grade of B). There are some programs on campus that are discouraging students to take a CR because of state requirements or program accreditation. Those students have already been emailed by their advisor or the academic department.
In the future, if someone looks at my student’s transcript, does that look bad?
A grade of “credit” could impact a student who is transferring or applying to graduate school. It is best to contact those other institutions to see what policies they have for accepting a “credit” grade.
For any scholarships based on GPA, will those still be ok if my student takes “credit”?
In most cases, a grade of CR will not negatively impact financial aid, including SAP and Scholarship eligibility. However, GPA requirements will still apply. If you have questions, contact the Office of Financial Aid.