When your student graduates, they become a member of the Alumni Association. This association allows Missouri Western graduates to stay in touch with the University and connect with other alumni across the country and world. There are many benefits for your graduate as a part of the association, from networking events and campus publications to volunteer opportunities and membership to campus fitness facilities.
After graduation, your student will be signed up to receive two communication pieces from the University on a regular basis. Three times a year they will receive the MWSU Magazine, which showcases events and stories from current Missouri Western students and employees as well as alumni. In addition, they will receive the weekly e-newsletter Griff Gab which gives them information about upcoming events to keep them connected with the University and other alumni.
The Alumni Association offers members several opportunities to get involved in their communities. There are several committees, chapters and networks that will allow your graduate to build pride and interest in the University as well as deepen their relationships with other alumni. If your graduate is interested in other volunteer work, there are several opportunities for volunteer projects throughout the year.
One volunteer project they could choose to be involved in is Homecoming. Each year, the Alumni Association helps to coordinate Homecoming week – a highly anticipated event for students and alumni alike. Events, such as the bonfire, Community Blood Center blood drive, pep rally, parade, and more are celebrated by both students and alumni. Homecoming Weekend is Oct. 12-14 during which we will present awards to alumni who have gone above and beyond while making a difference and representing the University. Visit the Alumni Relations website, here, for more information about the awards.
We are excited to welcome your recent graduate to the Alumni Association and hope that they take advantage of all of the benefits offered to them as Griffons. For more information on the Alumni Relations Office and the Alumni Association, please visit the alumni website, here.