Your student moved onto campus or into their off-campus housing last week, and today is the first day of classes. Hopefully, they will soon start settling into a routine. As they settle into that routine, however, students may get the post-move-in blues. They may get a little homesick, especially if this is their first semester. They may realize how much homework they are actually going to have throughout the semester, and so the stress of college life begins. Getting involved in an extracurricular activity is a crucial way to both beat the post-move-in blues and become more successful in college.
Becoming involved on campus will encourage your student to form high-quality, potentially lifelong, bonds with other students and will give them something to look forward to outside of class and work. Transitioning into college, especially for a first-semester student, can be a difficult experience. Getting involved can help ease the stress.
Participating in a club, organization or activity with other students will encourage your student to be successful and lead to higher satisfaction with their college experience, which in turn leads to higher retention from semester to semester. They will be able to get involved with something bigger than themselves. They can participate in fun on-campus activities, or volunteer to help around the community.
Encourage your student to try something new. There are more than 100 clubs, organizations and intramural sports for your student to get involved in. With options from fraternities and sororities to honors groups, cultural groups and unique interest groups, your student will be able to find something that will fit their interests. If all else fails and they cannot find something that suits their interests, our students are encouraged to start their own club or organization. They can visit the Center for Student Involvement’s website and find all they need to know about getting involved.